Plants show stress in thermal spectrum

Plants experience stress as a result of growing under non-optimal conditions. For example, too little water or low temperatures lead to clear responses such as wilting or defoliation. But exposure to milder forms of stress ...

Nuclear power as panacea for climate change? Experts divided

As delegates at a Paris summit haggle over how to curb global warming, the role of nuclear energy in limiting climate-changing emissions is the subject of fierce debate between champions and critics of atomic power.

Researchers pushing limits of solar cells

Florida State University researchers are striving to make solar cells more effective at trapping and using light. They're one step closer.

Just how smart can a smartphone get?

No sooner have we got our heads around the rather spooky phenomenon of targeted ads appearing during internet browsing (how did Facebook know I wanted an electric bike?), than smartphones are set to take the conversation ...

X-ray scanning to guarantee meat tenderness

Have you ever bought an expensive steak for your evening meal only to be annoyed to find out that you're chewing on stubborn gristle? Worry no more – change is just around the corner.

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