Do bats know voices of friends they hang out with? (w/ video)

Is it possible that mammals have the ability to recognize individuals of the same species, whom they know well, by their voice? A new study has found that even in nocturnal, fast-moving animals such as bats, there is an ability ...

Tiny speakers break a barrier for sound

In any orchestra, the lowest notes are made by the largest instruments; for example, in the string family, the double bass resonates much lower notes than the violin because it is four to five times larger. The same is true ...

Artificial bat cave built to combat killer disease (Update)

(AP)—Conservationists have built an artificial bat cave deep in the Tennessee woods to see if it can be a blueprint for saving bats who are dying by the millions from a fungus spreading across North America.

How an objective audiometric test can become even more reliable

Not only can the human ear detect sounds, it can also generate them. If the ear hears the two upper tones of a major triad, it produces the fundamental of the chord which can then be measured. This phenomenon, called "otoacoustic ...

Recreate the concert in the living room

Hear music of concert hall quality at any place in the room from a stereo recording. The device created by EPFL spin-off Illusonic creates an "acoustic space."

Light-and-sound attacks used against Rome's starlings

Tired of bird droppings on the city's most famous monuments, local authorities in Rome are resorting to unusual measures to try and scare off a million starlings that migrate to the Eternal City every year.

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