Calculations with nanoscale smart particles

Researchers from the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences and MIPT have made an important step towards creating medical ...

Push-Button Logic on the Nanoscale

( -- Circuits that can perform logic operations at the push of a button are a dime-a-dozen these days, but a breakthrough by researchers in the USA has meant they can be smaller and simpler than ever before. Using ...

Using nanowires to build all-optical logic gates

A team of researchers at Aalto University in Finland has found a way to use nanowires to build all-optical logic gates—a major step toward building a light-based computer. In their paper published in the journal Science ...

Entanglement in a flash (w/ video)

( —JQI researchers under the direction of Chris Monroe have produced quantum entanglement between a single atom's motion and its spin state thousands of times faster than previously reported, demonstrating unprecedented ...

Taking transistors into a new dimension

A new breakthrough could push the limits of the miniaturization of electronic components further than previously thought possible. A team at the Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes (LAAS) and Institut d'Électronique, ...

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