Confiscation crusaders try to save Philippine paradise

Tata gives hand signals for his men to drop to the rainforest floor as the searing whine of a chainsaw fades, their mission to save a critically endangered piece of paradise in the Philippines suddenly on hold.

Tree rings used to counter smugglers' rings

Analysing regional differences in the DNA of wood and has allowed scientists to determine the location of the original tree within 15km, and the work could help crack down on the billion-euro trade in illegal timber.

Activists occupy ranger headquarters in primeval forest dispute

Several dozen environmental activists on Thursday occupied the Warsaw headquarters of Poland's state forest management agency to protest against logging in the Bialowieza forest, a protected UNESCO site that includes Europe's ...

Poland rejects EU evidence on primeval forest dispute

Poland on Friday rejected evidence put before the European Court of Justice to prove illegal logging in the Bialowieza forest, a protected UNESCO site that includes Europe's last primeval woodland.

Greenpeace steps up protest against Polish forest logging

Some 50 environmental activists blocked logging equipment and vehicles Thursday in Poland's ancient Bialowieza forest, as authorities continued to fell trees despite an EU injunction to stop, Greenpeace said.

EU demands Polish 'reassurance' over ancient forest

Top European Union officials have written to Poland's right-wing government seeking "reassurance" it will obey a ban on logging in Europe's last primeval woodland, sources said on Monday.

EU warns Poland to obey logging ban in ancient forest

The EU warned Poland Wednesday to obey a ban on logging in Europe's last primeval woodland, saying it would add any breach to a broader Brussels case against Warsaw over democratic standards.

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