Sea turtles have a deadly attraction to stinky plastic

Sea turtles around the world are threatened by marine plastic debris, mostly through ingestion and entanglement. Now, researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology on March 9 have new evidence to explain why all that ...

Samsung: Android phone launch delayed 'for Jobs'

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Monday it delayed the launch of a smartphone based on Google's latest Android operating system as a gesture of respect for legendary Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

India can monitor BlackBerry without codes: report

India has found a way to monitor BlackBerry corporate emails without asking developer Research in Motion (RIM) to hand over encryption codes a report said Wednesday, which could help end a standoff with the Canadian company.

Turtles freed in Tunisia with tracking monitor

Three rescued loggerhead turtles were released into the Mediterranean off Tunisia on Sunday, one with a tracking beacon glued to its shell to help researchers better protect the threatened species.

Turtles are key as Kenya balances ecology and development

A turtle drags itself along a white sandy beach, splashes through the gentle warm Indian Ocean and then vanishes with a plop, becoming one of 13,750 turtle success stories on a stretch of Kenyan coastline facing pressure ...

Many Dry Tortugas loggerheads actually Bahamas residents

Many loggerhead sea turtles that nest in Dry Tortugas National Park head to rich feeding sites in the Bahamas after nesting, a discovery that may help those working to protect this threatened species.

Ancient river creature yields clue to environment

The monster rocketed from the water. It wriggled to the right, wiggled to the left, then - splat! - smacked Grover Brown in the guts. A lesser scientist would have quailed. Not Brown.

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