Can JWST see galaxies made of primordial stars?

All stars are composed of mostly hydrogen and helium, but most stars also have measurable amounts of heavier elements, which astronomers lump into the category of "metals." Our sun has more metals than most stars because ...

New study sheds light on quake peril for Istanbul

An investigation into a perilous fault that runs south of Istanbul suggests it could unleash two or three big quakes in a series rather than an extremely large one-off event, as some studies have feared.

Strong quake hits Haiti: US geologists

A strong earthquake that scientists measured at 6.1 magnitude hit Port-au-Prince Wednesday, sending residents running into the streets eight days after the city was razed by a 7.0 quake.

Swirling clouds over the South Pacific

( -- Rosetta's OSIRIS imaging system spotted an anticyclone over the South Pacific on the morning of 13 November. The images show the scene roughly as a human eye would see it.