Scientists release crop production outlook under shadow of locusts

The CropWatch research team from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of the the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) released the latest issue of CropWatch Bulletin on February 29. It provides comprehensive description ...

Pakistan struggles to combat devastating locust plague

Pakistan's farmers are struggling to combat the worst locust plague in nearly three decades as insect swarms decimate entire harvests in the country's agricultural heartlands and send food prices soaring.

Powerful mantis shrimp pull punches in air for self-preservation

Mantis shrimp (Squilla mantis) don't take kindly to captivity. "They have a general baseline of being angry," chuckles Kate Feller, currently at the University of Minnesota, USA, recalling how the contrary stomatopods are ...

Uganda army fights voracious desert locusts

Under a warm morning sun scores of weary soldiers stare as millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them.

Farmers to tackle locust swarms armed with new app

A new smartphone app to tackle pests destroying crops has been developed—and it could soon help farmers whose lands are being decimated by swarms of locusts, something the UN has called for "rapid action" action on.

Locust invasion threatens wildlife and livelihoods in Kenya

Kenya is bracing itself for a humanitarian and conservation catastrophe in the wake of a desert locust invasion on an unprecedented scale. The infestation is already affecting more than a quarter of the entire country and ...

Locusts the latest curse of East Africa weather extremes

Billions of locusts swarming through East Africa are the result of extreme weather swings and could prove catastrophic for a region still reeling from drought and deadly floods, experts said Friday.

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