How much energy does a dolphin use to swim?

From foraging for prey to evading predators, ship strikes or other dangers, a dolphin's survival often hinges on being able to crank up the speed and shift its swimming into high gear.

How the amphibians got their vertebrae

A group of ancient amphibians called temnospondyls evolved stiffer spinal columns to adapt to aquatic life, contrary to previous hypotheses, according to a study published June 9, 2021 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE ...

'Chaotic' way to create insectlike gaits for robots

Researchers in Japan and Italy are embracing chaos and nonlinear physics to create insectlike gaits for tiny robots—complete with a locomotion controller to provide a brain-machine interface.

Human and avian running on uneven ground

Together with colleagues, Dr Roy Müller from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) has published a review article in the current issue of the Journal of the Royal Society Interface analyzing human and avian locomotion ...

DALER project shows a walking flying robot (w/ Video)

( —At the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems we are developing a novel flying platform which has the ability to move on the ground by using its wings only. Using the wings as whegs to move on rough terrains instead ...

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