Hackers crack high-tech locks

Security maverick Marc Tobias showed hackers on Saturday how simple it is to defeat some of the world's top high-tech locks.

Engineering students design a lock picking robot

(PhysOrg.com) -- Crimes are usually committed by humans. As it turns out, we are not only making crime happen on our own, but we are designing robots to help us in our extra-legal endeavors. I don't know what the students ...

Parallel programming may not be so daunting

Computer chips have stopped getting faster: The regular performance improvements we've come to expect are now the result of chipmakers' adding more cores, or processing units, to their chips, rather than increasing their ...

How to get started with home automation

If you're not, shall we say, technically inclined, the idea of using home automation might seem out of this world. But the good news is, there's a variety of gadgets and gizmos on the market to help even the least tech-savvy ...

Beluga whale is now stationary in Seine: NGO

A malnourished beluga whale that has swum up France's River Seine is no longer progressing but is still alive, environmental group Sea Shepherd said Monday.

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