Apple guides shoppers inside stores with iBeacon (Update)

GPS will tell people how to get to the nearest Apple store. With iBeacon, Apple hopes to guide visitors around once they're inside, whether it's to pick up an order, upgrade to a new iPhone or shop for a pair of headphones.

Rediscovering the world's largest cormorant

The world's largest cormorant went extinct almost 200 years ago—but almost nothing is known about its life. A recent dive into the collections of museums around the world is helping to piece together the history of the ...

UK police to track dementia patients using GPS

(AP)—A British police force is hoping to save time and money by giving a few dementia patients GPS tracking devices, a technique already used by health and welfare agencies but condemned by some campaigners as "barbaric."

Who's Tweeting about scientific research? And why?

Although Twitter is best known for its role in political and cultural discourse, it has also become an increasingly vital tool for scientific communication. The record of social media engagement by laypeople is decoded by ...

Your Phone, Yourself: When is tracking too much?

(AP) -- If you're worried about privacy, you can turn off the function on your smartphone that tracks where you go. But that means giving up the services that probably made you want a smartphone in the first place. After ...

Biodiversity highest on Indigenous-managed lands

More than one million plant and animal species worldwide are facing extinction, according to a recent United Nations report. Now, a new UBC-led study suggests that Indigenous-managed lands may play a critical role in helping ...

Researchers reveal impact of ancient earthquake

By combining the scientific powerhouses of genetics and geology, University of Otago researchers have identified a new area of coastal uplift, which had been hiding in plain sight.

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