Big promises, but can China be carbon neutral by 2060?

Xi Jinping's shock promise to lead the world into a safer climate future was thin on details, leaving many questions unanswered on how the world's worst polluter will meet a 2060 carbon neutral target.

Yes, the air was better during lockdown, study shows

If you thought that the air quality improved during the initial COVID-19 lockdown, you were right. A recently published Tufts-led study found a direct connection between the stay-at-home orders following the COVID-19 outbreak ...

Paris declares 'climate emergency'

Paris, which in 2015 hosted the signing of a historic agreement on fighting global warming, on Tuesday declared a climate emergency following similar moves by other cities and national parliaments.

New study reveals local drivers of amplified Arctic warming

The Artic experienced an extreme heat wave during February 2018. The temperature at the North Pole soared to the melting point of ice, which is about 30 to 35 degrees (17-19 Celsius) above normal. Recent studies indicate ...

Global warming outpaces efforts to slow it: UN

Humanity is falling further behind in the race against climate change, with the gap between greenhouse gas emissions and levels needed to achieve the Paris climate treaty temperature goals continuing to widen, the UN said ...

Local drivers of amplified Arctic warming

Long-term observations of surface temperatures show an intensified surface warming in Canada, Siberia, Alaska and in the Arctic Ocean relative to global mean temperature rise. This warming pattern, commonly referred to as ...

Climate change hits poorest hardest, new research shows

Australia will still be the lucky country when it comes to changes in local climate as a result of climate change if global average surface temperatures reach the 1.5°C or 2°C limit set by the Paris agreement. 

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