COVID-19 presents unique challenges for news industry

As the novel COVID-19 pandemic continues to upend life and business around the globe, countless industries are struggling to adjust how they operate in unprecedented circumstances. The media industry finds itself in a similar ...

Finding resiliency in local, community news gathering

When the Webster-Kirkwood Times, a community newspaper in the greater St. Louis, Missouri area, had to endure layoffs and stop publishing its print edition—due to a loss in revenue as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic—its ...

Chinese official: Pig fever outbreak 'complicated and grim'

The death toll from a disease outbreak in China's pig herds that has pushed up global pork prices has risen to 1.2 million animals, but its spread has "significantly slowed," a deputy agriculture minister said Thursday.

How tourist destinations can rebuild after coronavirus

Tourism has virtually stopped thanks to the COVID-19 lockdowns. This is hitting many cities hard—see this report about New York galleries and museums losing millions of dollars, for example. Many tourist businesses are ...

Problem of local news deserts is widespread, study finds

Research from Duke University provides comprehensive new evidence of the magnitude of the problem of "news deserts"– communities where news and information about critical local issues is nonexistent or severely limited.

Jordan blocks 254 news websites

The Jordanian government said on Tuesday that it had blocked 254 unlicensed news websites, 16 of them in the previous two days, using powers under a 2012 law criticised as a threat to freedom of expression.

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