Is China delivering on its climate promises?

After the UN issued its starkest report yet on the consequences of global warming, pressure is on China—the world's biggest polluter—to deliver on its own climate goals.

States laws limit local control over guns, favor gun rights

The majority of U.S. states have passed laws preserving state authority over firearms policies—and preventing local communities from passing their own—but at the same time have refrained from enacting statewide gun-control ...

China plans Asia's biggest coal-fired power plant

China's Shenhua Group will build the largest coal-fired power station in Asia over the next five years, the official Xinhua news agency said Tuesday, as the country struggles to meet its energy needs.

Philippines creates haven for endangered duck

The Philippines has created a protected area to save a species of endangered wild duck, with just 5,000 of the birds remaining, government documents released on Monday said.

New study estimates the carbon footprints of 13,000 cities

Cologne, Manchester, and Montreal rarely make the list of the world's megacities. Yet they are all in the top 100 worldwide in terms of their carbon footprint. A new study says it is these cities, as much as the Jakartas ...

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