Is there any point in recycling?

To sort or not to sort, that is the question. Lots of people wonder whether it's really worth their time and effort to separate, wash and store recyclable materials – especially if it takes more energy to recycle, or if ...

Volunteers strive to stave off shutdown chaos at US parks

Sabra Purdy is just back from Joshua Tree National Park in southern California, which was crammed with tourists. It is high season, and to prevent chaos from the partial shutdown of the US federal government, she put on her ...

Global warming outpaces efforts to slow it: UN

Humanity is falling further behind in the race against climate change, with the gap between greenhouse gas emissions and levels needed to achieve the Paris climate treaty temperature goals continuing to widen, the UN said ...

Will algorithms predict your future?

A report from Cardiff University reveals the extent to which public service provision is now being influenced by data analytics.

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