Free-roaming dogs prevent giant pandas from thriving in the wild

Before China declared giant pandas a protected species in 1962—hunters in pursuit of the black and white bear used dogs to track them. Since then measures have been put in place to protect the vulnerable pandas, but more ...

Online tool shows COVID-19 impact on sales tax

Three Georgia regions experienced double-digit declines in sales tax distributions in the June quarter during the coronavirus pandemic, according to an online interactive data tool created by Georgia State University's Fiscal ...

Alien frog invasion wreaks havoc on natural habitat

Indiscriminate feeding by an alien population of the carnivorous spotted-thighed frog—could severely affect the native biodiversity of southern Australia according to a new study by the University of South Australia.

Can government stimulus programs boost consumer spending?

The world has been experiencing an unprecedented economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant number of economic activities have shut down, causing contractions in global output, as well as the loss of businesses ...

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