Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine reverses 900 years of cooling

Rapid 20th century warming in the Gulf of Maine has reversed long-term cooling that occurred there during the previous 900 years, according to new research that combines an examination of shells from long-lived ocean quahogs ...

Cash programs that help the poor can harm natural resources

Poverty programs throughout the world that give poor families cash for food, education and health needs can have unintended consequences for communities that depend on natural resources, such as fish and trees. That is because ...

Shale not a miracle solution for Europe

Shale oil and gas have had limited benefits for the US economy and their advantages for Europe will be even slimmer, a French think tank said Wednesday.

Food hubs' support for local economy is mixed

As the consumer appetite for locally sourced food products increases, so has interest in "food hubs" that facilitate the purchase, marketing and distribution of agricultural products within a region. But what is their economic ...

Economist finds link between park funding, home values

Ohio residents who vote against tax renewals for parks and recreation spending could be costing themselves a significant amount of wealth in the form of their homes' value, a University of Cincinnati economist found.

Totality ready: US braces for April 8 solar eclipse frenzy

US communities along the path of the April 8 total solar eclipse are preparing for the year's biggest astronomic event, with millions of visitors expected to brighten local economies—and snarl up logistics.

California marijuana growers can't take much to the bank

Legalization of marijuana in California has helped some financial institutions in the state increase their assets at the same time many banks, feeling stifled by federal regulations, deny services to licensed growers, manufacturers ...

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