What is foot and mouth disease?

Foot and mouth disease—usually referred to by its acronym FMD—is the most feared livestock disease in the world. It can cripple the livestock sector, cause immense animal suffering, destroy farmer businesses, create food ...

Danish researchers develop budget optical ammonia sensor

In collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University has developed photonic sensor technology that can pave the way for a portable, reliable and, above all, inexpensive ...

Emissions set to soar as love of steak takes off in Asia

Climate change is the last thing on Maya Puspita Sari's mind as she tucks into a steak and splurges on ice cream, products that were once a luxury but are now a growing staple in the diets of millions of Indonesians.

Dutch cow farmers face tough climate choices

In the flat expanse of the Dutch countryside, Corne de Rooij nostalgically strokes the muzzles of his calves, wondering how long he will be able to keep them.

The time to act towards globally sustainable livestock is now

The livestock sector is developing rapidly in low and middle-income countries, becoming increasingly global. In the same time, society's expectations regarding the sector are changing rapidly. We therefore need to develop ...

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