Powering nanotechnology with the world's smallest engine

In the minuscule world of nanotechnology, big steps are rare. But a recent development has the potential to massively improve our lives: an engine measuring 200 billionths of a metre, which could power tiny robots to fight ...

Healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells

International experts have described for the first time how healthy plants appear to carry bacteria in their cells, opening a new avenue of research to improve future plant health and propagation efforts—including food ...

A first-of-its-kind discovery with an X-ray laser

A research team led by physicists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has proven a method that makes it possible to find the atomic structure of proteins in action by producing "snapshots" of them with unprecedented ...

Twitter unveils 360-degree live video

Twitter on Wednesday began streaming 360-degree video, allowing users to interact and get behind the scenes of live broadcasts.

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