Russia launches new docking module to ISS

A Russian Soyuz rocket carrying the new Prichal docking module for the International Space Station blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Wednesday, the Roscosmos space agency said.

DNA replication under the microscope

Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has enabled researchers to study how the DNA replication machinery assembles at sites where DNA is damaged.

Estimating the quality of sound spaces from observed speech

In the future, smartphones, which almost everyone has, and smart speakers, 3.7 million installed in Japanese households, might save your life. Apart from daily-use features, these devices can read emergency messages aloud ...

New imaging method gives live glimpse into how cells work

By combining two microscopy methods, EPFL researchers are able to see what is happening inside a cell and on its membrane simultaneously, giving unprecedented insight into the cellular processes that occur during infection, ...

Non-invasive DNA-labeling tool opens doors for new research

Dutch researchers have developed a new tool to label DNA for studying chromosomes in live cells. The tool is non-invasive and can be applied in culture but also in living organisms, such as zebrafish embryos. The team published ...

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