Space Station video now live on Internet -- mostly

(AP) -- NASA has started beaming live video from just outside the International Space Station, but there's a catch: The online feeds are available only when the station's crew is asleep or off duty.

TV seems impervious to Silicon Valley's advances

Google's unveiling last week of yet another device it hopes will change the way people watch TV highlights a stubborn truth: The revolution may be televised, but television itself has so far been impervious to a revolution.

Hulu to live-stream Dave Matthews concert is to provide a live stream of an upcoming concert by the Dave Matthews Band in a first for the online video website better known for showing full-length television shows and movies.

Video-game consoles add more non-gaming features

When Chris and Rebecca Rider sit down to watch a romantic movie together, they don't pop in a DVD or turn on the DVR. They fire up their video game console.

Xbox Live links to Twitter, Facebook and

Microsoft has said social networking sensations Twitter and Facebook, along with Internet radio star, are connecting to the Xbox 360 videogame console online world.

Kinect bringing interactive ads to Xbox 360

Microsoft announced Tuesday it will bring interactive ads to Xbox360 consoles using the voice- and gesture-recognizing capabilities of Kinect controllers.

The future of gaming technology

Microsoft, creator of the Xbox Live -- an online multiplayer video gaming and digital media delivery service -- has announced it would offer mainstream television programming to its subscribers, creating direct competition ...

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