Questions and answers on the latest 'New Facebook'

Every year or so - and sometimes more often - Facebook manages to miff a vocal percentage of users by changing the look and feel of its site. As it adds new features, it invariably takes away things that people have grown ...

Russia launches cargo ship to space station

Russia on Saturday launched an unmanned Progress space freighter carrying supplies to the International Space Station from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Wiring the ocean

For most people, the sea is a deep, dark mystery. That is changing, though, as scientists find innovative ways to track the movements of ocean-going creatures.

Facebook users: Get ready for more changes

(AP) -- Facebook is at it again. The social network is tweaking the home pages of its 750 million users, much to the chagrin of some very vocal folks.

Coral reefs provide stunning images of a world under assault

Humans don't know what they're missing under the surface of a busy shipping channel in the "cruise capital of the world." Just below the keels of massive ships, an underwater camera provides a live feed from another world, ...

US astronauts testify from Space Station

On his 249th consecutive day in space, U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly told Congress that what he misses most is his friends and family on Earth and the chance to experience nature.

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