Fish colon offers insight into evolution

Skates have primitive colons. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is. The discovery could change scientific understanding of evolution, of how animals emerged from water to live on land.

The key to adaptation limits of ocean dwellers

The simpler a marine life form is built, the better it is suited for survival during climate change. Scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) discovered this in a new ...

Wiring the ocean

For most people, the sea is a deep, dark mystery. That is changing, though, as scientists find innovative ways to track the movements of ocean-going creatures.

Researchers investigate dark web wildlife trade

A huge amount of wildlife trade takes place on the internet. Online marketplaces, private forums and messaging apps make it easy to sell and buy live animals, plants and fungi digitally. University of Adelaide researchers ...

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