Inexpensive material boosts battery capacity

Battery-powered cars offer many environmental benefits, but a car with a full tank of gasoline can travel further. By improving the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries, a new electrode made from iron oxide nanoparticles ...

A nanoscale glimpse of batteries in action

Lithium–oxygen (Li–O2) batteries are a new type of experimental battery that electric car manufacturers are hoping will address the issue of limited driving range. Unlike the lithium-ion batteries used today, lithium–oxygen ...

3D graphene: Solar cells' new platinum?

One of the most promising types of solar cells has a few drawbacks. A scientist at Michigan Technological University may have overcome one of them.

Eavesdropping on lithium ions

( —Lithium ion batteries are at the energetic heart of almost all things tech, from cell phones to tablets to electric vehicles. That's because they are a proven technology, light, long-lasting and powerful. But ...

For better batteries, just add water

Lithium-ion batteries are now found everywhere in devices such as cellular phones and laptop computers, where they perform well. In automotive applications, however, engineers face the challenge of squeezing enough lithium-ion ...

Unzipped nanotubes unlock potential for batteries

( —Researchers at Rice University have come up with a new way to boost the efficiency of the ubiquitous lithium ion (LI) battery by employing ribbons of graphene that start as carbon nanotubes.

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