New materials offer solutions to energy production challenges

New materials will have a central role in many of the energy applications of the future. For instance, inexpensive and environmentally friendly thermoelectric materials will be capable of converting waste heat into electricity ...

The superpower behind iron oxyfluoride battery electrodes

( —Innovative materials chemistries continue to drive advances in lithium-ion batteries-the state-of-the-art in rechargeable energy storage. While many different battery components contribute to their performance, ...

Building a better battery

A new battery technology provides double the energy storage at lower cost than the batteries that are used in handheld electronics, electric vehicles, aerospace and defence.

Fluorescent label sheds light on radioactive contamination

Researchers in Japan have developed a way to detect caesium contamination on a scale of millimetres enabling the detection of small areas of radioactive contamination. The research is published in Science and Technology of ...

Study paves way for larger, safer lithium ion batteries

(—Looking toward improved batteries for charging electric cars and storing energy from renewable but intermittent solar and wind, scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed the first high-performance, ...

Nanoparticles digging the world's smallest tunnels

The world's smallest tunnels have a width of a few nanometers only. Researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Rice University, USA, have dug such tunnels into graphite samples. This will allow structuring ...

Nanoparticles improve lithium battery electrodes

(—Materials scientists have developed a simple, robust way to fabricate carbon-free and polymer-free, lightweight colloidal films for lithium-ion battery electrodes, which could greatly improve battery performance.

Komaba Group reports sodium ion battery progress

(—Scientists with a common goal, to figure out an alternative to the lithium ion battery, the main power source of choice, are not giving up. The quarrel is not with the lithium ion battery's performance but in ...

Study outlines supply chain challenges for lithium future

(—As demand increases for lithium, the essential element in batteries for everything from cameras to automobiles, a researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology is studying potential disruptions ...

The long, winding road to advanced batteries for electric cars

( -- Batteries have come a long way since Alessandro Volta first discovered in 1800 that two unlike metals, when separated by an acidic solution, could produce an electric current. In their evolution, batteries have ...

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