Why imported veg is still more sustainable than local meat

A former colleague who was a researcher and promoter of local food systems once argued that local meat markets connect children with reality. "If young people do not have a direct experience with food," he told me, "they ...

New poll reveals public disconnect on food and climate change

The seventh wave of the Michigan State University (MSU) Food Literacy and Engagement Poll sampled 2,001 Americans on their attitudes and knowledge of food, agriculture and climate change. Notably, 41% say they never or rarely ...

5 ways to spot misinformation and stop sharing it online

The blame for the recent assault on the US Capitol and President Donald Trump's broader dismantling of democratic institutions and norms can be laid at least partly on misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Social media use by young people in conflict-ridden Myanmar

Myanmar youth rely heavily on Facebook for news and information. This can be a platform for disseminating fake news and hate speech. With poor digital literacy skills, these youths may be susceptible to disinformation campaigns ...

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