Streaming to overtake cable in 3-5 years: Netflix

Internet-streamed video will overtake cable to dominate home video viewing within three to five years, Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings predicted Tuesday, with stiffer competition to come.

Shortened links may not be as malicious as thought

(AP) -- Link-shortening services such as TinyURL seem ideal for criminals because they can disguise the names of malicious sites. Yet on Twitter - one of the most popular places for them - they may not be nearly as malicious ...

Research continues on secure, mobile, quantum communications

Researcher Dr. David H. Hughes of the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, N.Y. is leading a team investigating long-distance, mobile optical links imperative for secure quantum communications capabilities in theater.

Space Station video now live on Internet -- mostly

(AP) -- NASA has started beaming live video from just outside the International Space Station, but there's a catch: The online feeds are available only when the station's crew is asleep or off duty.

Web cubed -- the network of everything

( -- Handsets, laptops, cars and even clothes: they are all part of the ‘network of things’, an incarnation of the future internet, and European researchers are working hard to create that future now.

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