Israel dig uncovers 8,500-year-old well

Israeli archaeologists have uncovered a well dating back to the Neolithic period some 8,500 years ago, Israel's Antiquities Authority said on Thursday, adding that two skeletal remains were found inside.

Eyeless Australian fish have closest relatives in Madagascar

A team of researchers from Louisiana State University and the American Museum of Natural History has discovered that two groups of blind cave fishes on opposite sides of the Indian Ocean are each other's closest relatives. ...

Cavers find mass fossil deposit Down Under

Australian scientists said Wednesday cavers had stumbled upon a vast network of tunnels containing fossils that could offer key insights into species' adaptation to climate change.

Professor offers insight into Florida's recent sinkholes

A sinkhole, about 100-feet-wide and 50-feet-deep, opened up in the backyard of a home in a Windermere, Fla. May 3. Almost one week later, another sinkhole that was 80-feet-long and 40-feet-wide opened in the backyard ...

37,000 years old: Earliest form of wall art discovered

Anthropologists working in southern France have determined that a 1.5 metric ton block of engraved limestone constitutes the earliest evidence of wall art. Their research, reported in the most recent edition of the Proceedings ...

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