Discovery of why emus are grounded takes flight

Researchers from Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute have helped solve the mystery of how emus became flightless, identifying a gene involved in the development and evolution of bird wings.

How animals repurpose genes to develop both limbs, eyes

The last common ancestor of cephalopods and vertebrates existed more than 500 million years ago. In fact, a squid is more closely related to a clam than it is a to a person. Even so, the two lineages independently evolved ...

Print your own body parts

John Nhial was barely a teenager when he was grabbed by a Sudanese guerrilla army and forced to become a child soldier. He was made to endure weeks of walking with so little food and water that some of his fellow captives ...

New signal involved in limb growth found in flies

Many of the secrets of life, such as terminal size and shape, have been uncovered in studies performed over a century involving animal models such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Now, IRB Barcelona researchers headed ...

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