Bulb dipping controls Easter lily growth

In a recent issue of HortTechnology, Purdue University researchers Christopher J. Currey and Roberto G. Lopez reported on a study of the effects of a technique called "bulb dipping" on Easter lily. While plant growth retardants ...

How the daisy got its spots... and why

Dark spots on flower petals are common across many angiosperm plant families and occur on flowers such as some lilies, orchids, and daisies. Much research has been done on the physiological and behavioral mechanisms for ...

Urged on by urchins: How sea lilies got their get-up-and-go

Nature abounds with examples of evolutionary arms races. Certain marine snails, for example, evolved thick shells and spines to avoid be eaten, but crabs and fish foiled the snails by developing shell-crushing claws and jaws.

Biodegradable absorbent from water lily to attend oil spills

The water lily transformed from a plague to the main ingredient of a biodegradable absorbent that resolves spills or leaks of hydrocarbons, oils and other industrial substances, both in solid surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, ...

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