Earth-like planet around Proxima Centauri discovered

The hunt for exoplanets has been heating up in recent years. Since it began its mission in 2009, over four thousand exoplanet candidates have been discovered by the Kepler mission, several hundred of which have been confirmed ...

NASA seeks picometer accuracy

Finding and characterizing dozens of Earth-like planets will require a super-stable space telescope whose optical components move or distort no more than a few picometers—a measurement smaller than the size of an atom. ...

Researchers study nuances of social media 'likes'

The simple act of pressing a "like" button on a social media site can speak volumes about a user's preferences, relationships and behavioral patterns, according to Penn State researchers, and such findings about a user could ...

On the hunt for Facebook's army of fakes

Ever wonder why so many people like certain Facebook pages, no matter how boring or badly updated they are? They could well be the subject of "like farming", the process of artificially inflating the number of Facebook page ...

Hiding in the sunshine: the search for other Earths

We humans might not be the only ones to ponder our place in the universe. If intelligent aliens do roam the cosmos, they too might ask a question that has gripped humans for centuries: Are we alone? These aliens might even ...

'Forbidden' substances on super-Earths

Using mathematical models, scientists have simulated the interiors of super-Earths and discovered that they may contain compounds that are forbidden by the classical rules of chemistry—these substances may increase the ...

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