On the hunt for Facebook's army of fakes

Ever wonder why so many people like certain Facebook pages, no matter how boring or badly updated they are? They could well be the subject of "like farming", the process of artificially inflating the number of Facebook page ...

Hiding in the sunshine: the search for other Earths

We humans might not be the only ones to ponder our place in the universe. If intelligent aliens do roam the cosmos, they too might ask a question that has gripped humans for centuries: Are we alone? These aliens might even ...

Earth-like planet may exist in a nearby star system

(Phys.org)—An Earth-like planet may be lurking in a star system located just 16 light years away, according to a new research. The star, named Gliese 832, was recently investigated by a team of astronomers searching for ...

Laser cloaking device could help us hide from aliens

Two astronomers at Columbia University in New York suggest humanity could use lasers to conceal the Earth from searches by advanced extraterrestrial civilisations. Professor David Kipping and graduate student Alex Teachey ...

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