Astronomers identify signature of Earth-eating stars

( —Some Sun-like stars are 'Earth-eaters.' During their development they ingest large amounts of the rocky material from which 'terrestrial' planets like Earth, Mars and Venus are made.

Biochemists target relief for crippling condition

( —A molecule nobody thought to explore may unlock a potential therapeutic target for a debilitating connective tissue disorder, according to Western-led research.

Study finds stem cells in deer antler

A team of researchers in Seoul, Korea have reported finding evidence that deer antlers - unique in that they regenerate annually - contain multipotent stem cells that could be useful for tissue regeneration in veterinary ...

Facebook 'Likes' a good indicator of quality hospital care

While those active on social media aren't shy about expressing opinions on their Facebook pages, how much do their "Likes" really reflect the quality of an organization? American Journal of Medical Quality recently published ...

User revolt causes Instagram to keep old rules

Instagram on Thursday tried to calm a user rebellion by nixing a change that would have given the Facebook-owned mobile photo sharing service unfettered rights to people's pictures.

Facebook cracks down on insincere "Likes"

Facebook ramped up efforts Friday to get rid of "Likes" that aren't from people genuinely interested in giving a virtual thumbs up to pages at the world's leading social network.

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