How far away was that lightning?

You probably do it. It might be ingrained from when you were a kid, and now it's almost automatic. You see the flash of lightning – and you immediately start counting the seconds till it thunders.

Juno solves 39-year old mystery of Jupiter lightning

Ever since NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft flew past Jupiter in March, 1979, scientists have wondered about the origin of Jupiter's lightning. That encounter confirmed the existence of Jovian lightning, which had been theorized ...

First light for the storm hunter

As the International Space Station flew over the Indonesian coast of Sumatra on an April night, lightning from a thunderstorm reached the upper layers of the atmosphere and its light show was captured by ESA's latest observatory ...

Deadly India superstorms kill nearly 150

A series of powerful super storms that tore through India this week have killed 143 people, as officials warned Friday the death toll could rise with more extreme weather expected.

Scientists capture sounds of volcanic thunder

Researchers report in a new study that they've documented rumblings of volcanic thunder for the first time, a feat considered nearly impossible by many volcanologists.

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