A microlaser emitting helical light

Researchers recently demonstrated the realization of an integrated microlaser based on a novel design that emits light in chiral modes, thus producing corkscrews of light. An object is said to be chiral if it can be distinguished ...

Software arranges photo lighting after the shoot

What often separates professional photographers from amateurs is their mastery of lighting. Lighting can control what parts of an image draw your attention, or whether an object looks expensive or cheesy. And even for pros, ...

Researchers build fully mechanical phonon laser

(Phys.org) —Researchers working at Japan's NTT Basic Research Laboratories have successfully built an all mechanical phonon laser. In their paper published in Physical Review Letters, the team describes how they built a ...

The electronic origin of photoinduced strain

(Phys.org)—Multiferroics are in a class of materials that exhibits more than one ferroic order simultaneously. One of the prototypical multiferroics is BiFeO3, an important material because it is one of a few materials ...

55": LG announces world's largest OLED TV panel

LG Display announced that it has developed the world's largest 55-inch OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) TV panel. The 55-inch panel is a significant step forward in the popularization of OLED TVs and demonstrates the ...

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