The electronic origin of photoinduced strain

(—Multiferroics are in a class of materials that exhibits more than one ferroic order simultaneously. One of the prototypical multiferroics is BiFeO3, an important material because it is one of a few materials ...

Research moves LEDs from the theatre stage to the greenhouse

(—It's a rare event when one technological breakthrough can have far-reaching effects in fields as diverse as stage lighting, horticulture, entomology, energy management, and potentially, space colonization. Penn ...

Harnessing natural light, indoors

( -- Using the most recent generation windows, architects and lighting designers can to control daylight, directing it where they want within a room. An EPFL laboratory has developed a simulation tool to make access ...

55": LG announces world's largest OLED TV panel

LG Display announced that it has developed the world's largest 55-inch OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) TV panel. The 55-inch panel is a significant step forward in the popularization of OLED TVs and demonstrates the ...

Branding in a new light

Illuminated and neon signs outside businesses have contributed to brand identity for some years. But researchers are now evaluating how selecting a universal lighting design for stores can also send out branding signals to ...

NXP Sets New Benchmarks for LED Drivers

NXP Semiconductors today announced three major developments in its portfolio of mains connected LED driver solutions: the success of its SSL2101 LED driver IC in matching LED lifetimes in an accelerated lifetime test; the ...

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