NPL makes light work of home grooming

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Dundee recently assessed the light emitted by a home-use intense-pulsed light (IPL) hair reduction system and confirmed that it is safe. This confirmation is important, ...

Color sensors for better vision

CMOS image sensors in special cameras -- as used for driver assistance systems -- mostly only provide monochrome images and have a limited sensitivity to light. Thanks to a new production process these sensors can now distinguish ...

Laser Fusion and Exawatt Lasers

( -- In the recent past, producing lasers with terawatt (a trillion watts) beams was impressive. Now petawatt (a thousand trillion watts, or 10^15 watts) lasers are the forefront of laser research. Some labs are ...

Lasers generate underwater sound

Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) are developing a new technology for use in underwater acoustics. The new technology uses flashes of laser light to remotely create underwater sound. The new acoustic source ...

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