Light bursts out of a flying mirror

( —An international team of researchers succeeds in generating flashes of extreme ultraviolet radiation via the reflection from a mirror that moves close to the speed of light.

Optics innovation an industry success

An optics innovation by a University of Sydney researcher has been a financial and technology transfer success story creating a wave of sales for Finisar, the Australian company that has used the new technology.

X-ray laser pulses in two colors

( —SLAC researchers have demonstrated for the first time how to produce pairs of X-ray laser pulses in slightly different wavelengths, or colors, with finely adjustable intervals between them – a feat that will ...

X-ray laser explores new uses for DNA building blocks

( —The founding father of DNA nanotechnology – a field that forges tiny geometric building blocks from DNA strands – recently came to SLAC to get a new view of these creations using powerful X-ray laser pulses.

New X-ray tool proves timing is everything

(—With SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, timing is everything. Its pulses are designed to explore atomic-scale processes that are measured in femtoseconds, or quadrillionths of a second. Determining ...

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