Climate change's effects can be more than the sum of its parts

The number of simultaneously acting global change factors has a negative impact on the diversity of plant communities—regardless of the nature of the factors. This is one of the findings of a recent study by ecologists ...

Mathematicians explain how some fireflies flash in sync

Stake out in Pennsylvania's Cook State Forest at the right time of year and you can see one of nature's great light shows: swarms of fireflies that synchronize their flashes like strings of Christmas lights in the dark.

Grimy windows could be harbouring toxic pollutants

Dirty windows can harbor potentially harmful pollutants under protective films of fatty acids from cooking emissions—and these can hang around over long periods of time.

The social transmission of stress in animal collectives

Stress is a widespread phenomenon that occurs when, for example, humans feel threatened or overwhelmed, have too much work or are in imminent danger. We communicate to others that we are stressed through our behavior and ...

Device enables researchers to easily track elusive insects

With some home security software and a little ingenuity, researchers have developed an inexpensive device that will allow them to study the behavior and activity of insects in regions of the world where they're most diverse.

Urban lights keep insects awake at night

A collaboration between Osaka City University and Setsunan University sheds light on the effect urbanization has on the flesh fly species Sarcophaga similis. Through a series of laboratory and in-field experiments, scientists ...

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