On the way to quantum networks

Physicists at LMU, together with colleagues at Saarland University, have successfully demonstrated the transport of an entangled state between an atom and a photon via an optic fiber over a distance of up to 20 km—thus ...

Four ways to curb light pollution, save bugs

Artificial light at night negatively impacts thousands of species: beetles, moths, wasps and other insects that have evolved to use light levels as cues for courtship, foraging and navigation.

New approach uses light to stabilize proteins for study

Researchers have developed a new technique that uses light to control the lifetime of a protein inside the cell. This method will allow scientists to better observe how specific proteins contribute to health, development ...

Microplastics may affect how Arctic sea ice forms and melts

Plastic pollution in the oceans has become an important societal problem, as plastics are the most common and persistent pollutants in oceans and beaches worldwide. In the common imagination, plastic waste is often associated ...

Using ultracold atoms to find WMDs

One problem in dealing with weapons of mass destruction is that they are well hidden. The key to finding them may be to change the methods we use to look. One such method is taking shape in a lab in the basement of Small ...

Better chemistry through tiny antennae

A research team at The University of Tokyo has introduced a powerful method for actively breaking chemical bonds using excitations in tiny antennae created by infrared lasers. This process may have applications throughout ...

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