267 million people worldwide at risk from sea-level rise

Worldwide, 267 million people live on land less than two meters above sea level, which is most at risk from sea level rise, according to a study in Nature Communications. The paper suggests that by 2100 the number could increase ...

Extreme UV laser shows generation of atmospheric pollutant

An advanced laser technique has allowed researchers to observe, in real-time, the decomposition of a pollutant into atmospheric nitrous acid, which plays a key role in the formation of ozone and photochemical smog. The technique, ...

A new method for the functionalization of graphene

An international research team involving Professor Federico Rosei of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) has demonstrated a novel process to modify the structure and properties of graphene. This chemical ...

Light-controlled nanomachine controls catalysis

The vision of the future of miniaturization has produced a series of synthetic molecular motors that are driven by a range of energy sources and can carry out various movements. A research group at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ...

No losses: Scientists stuff graphene with light

Physicists from MIPT and Vladimir State University, Russia, have converted light energy into surface waves on graphene with nearly 90% efficiency. They relied on a laser-like energy conversion scheme and collective resonances. ...

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