Human cells help researchers understand squid camouflage

Squids and octopuses are masters of camouflage, blending into their environment to evade predators or surprise prey. Some aspects of how these cephalopods become reversibly transparent are still "unclear," largely because ...

NASA to measure forest health from above

In places across the U.S., tree cover is shrinking—forests are burned by wildfires on the West Coast and drowned by rising sea levels along the East. From the ground, it's hard to assess the scale of the losses and the ...

The dual face of photoreceptors during seed germination

Seed germination depends on light in many plants. But not always: Aethionema arabicum, a plant adapted to challenging environmental conditions, does it its own way. Here, the phytochromes, the receptors for red and far-red ...

Protecting biocatalysts from oxygen

Certain enzymes from bacteria and algae can produce molecular hydrogen from protons and electrons—an energy carrier on which many hopes are riding. All they need for this purpose is light energy. The major obstacle to their ...

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