Eavesdropping on lithium ions

(Phys.org) —Lithium ion batteries are at the energetic heart of almost all things tech, from cell phones to tablets to electric vehicles. That's because they are a proven technology, light, long-lasting and powerful. But ...

Quantum teleportation between atomic systems over long distances

Researchers have been able to teleport information from light to light at a quantum level for several years. In 2006, researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute succeeded in teleporting between light and gas atoms. Now the research ...

Catalyst becomes more selective after oxygen atoms' departures

Using chemical imaging techniques, scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory proved for the first time that titanium dioxide's surface defects shelter chemicals from decays caused by ultra-violet light. The defects ...

The electronic origin of photoinduced strain

(Phys.org)—Multiferroics are in a class of materials that exhibits more than one ferroic order simultaneously. One of the prototypical multiferroics is BiFeO3, an important material because it is one of a few materials ...

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