'Reversing the problem' clarifies molecular structure

Optical techniques enable us to examine single molecules, but do we really understand what we are seeing? After all, the fuzziness caused by effects such as light interference makes these images very difficult to interpret. ...

Nanometer-scale growth of cone cells tracked in living human eye

Humans see color thanks to cone cells, specialized light-sensing neurons located in the retina along the inner surface of the eyeball. The actual light-sensing section of these cells is called the outer segment, which is ...

Researchers create light from 'almost nothing'

(PhysOrg.com) -- A group of physicists working out of Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, have succeeded in proving what was until now, just theory; and that is, that visible photons could be produced ...

Intel's new fiber-optic cables promise speed boost

Envisioning a data traffic jam looming as consumers shuttle increasing amounts of information among their home PCs, televisions and other gadgets, Intel plans to introduce new technology in a few months that could keep everything ...

Measuring the Speed of Light in Composite Materials

(PhysOrg.com) -- Although the speed of light is constant in a vacuum, light slows down a small amount when traveling through other materials. While it's relatively easy to measure the speed of light in mediums made of one ...

New method could lead to narrower chip patterns

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at MIT have found a novel method for etching extremely narrow lines on a microchip, using a material that can be switched from transparent to opaque, and vice versa, just by exposing it to certain ...

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