Scientists develop new lithium niobate laser technology

Scientists at EPFL and IBM have developed a new type of laser that could have a significant impact on optical ranging technology. The laser is based on a material called lithium niobate, often used in the field of optical ...

The dual face of photoreceptors during seed germination

Seed germination depends on light in many plants. But not always: Aethionema arabicum, a plant adapted to challenging environmental conditions, does it its own way. Here, the phytochromes, the receptors for red and far-red ...

Neuromorphic camera and machine learning aid nanoscopic imaging

In a new study, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) show how a brain-inspired image sensor can go beyond the diffraction limit of light to detect miniscule objects such as cellular components or nanoparticles ...

Researchers discover new class of stomatal opening inhibitors

Plant stomata are pores in the epidermis of plant leaves. They play a key role in regulating the gas-water exchange between the plant and the atmosphere, which enables photosynthesis and transpiration. Stomata have been shown ...

Glassy and reactive: Plants are more dynamic than you think

Is the inside of a plant cell more like a liquid or a solid? While this may sound like an odd question, research carried out at the University of Amsterdam demonstrates it can be either, depending on how much light you shine ...

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