Research team creates a chemistry map for human cells

Scientists at NPL worked with Diamond Light Source to publish a study that shows how the chemistry of human cells changes, depending on the structure of their extracellular niche, are major determinants of cell responses ...

A microalgae–material hybrid promotes carbon neutrality

Microalgae, including cyanobacteria and green algae, represent the most important biological systems for producing biomass and high-value products. It is estimated that microalgae can fix about 90 billion tons of carbon dioxide ...

Is anything absolute with relativity?

The theory of relativity is at once simple and elegant but also maddeningly nonintuitive. There's no need to get into the full guts and glory of that theory here, but there is one feature of Einstein's work that takes center ...

Light-activated molecular machines get cells 'talking'

One of the main ways cells "talk" to each other to coordinate essential biological activities such as muscle contraction, hormone release, neuronal firing, digestion and immune activation is through calcium signaling.

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