Scientists develop new lithium niobate laser technology

Scientists at EPFL and IBM have developed a new type of laser that could have a significant impact on optical ranging technology. The laser is based on a material called lithium niobate, often used in the field of optical ...

Mapping the Milky Way's magnetic field in 3D

We are all very familiar with the concept of the Earth's magnetic field. It turns out that most objects in space have magnetic fields but it's quite tricky to measure them. Astronomers have developed an ingenious way to measure ...

Exploring the limits of light-matter coupling at the nanoscale

The interplay between light and matter encompasses a stunning spectrum of phenomena, from photosynthesis to the captivating colors of rainbows and butterfly wings. Diverse as these manifestations may be, they involve very ...

Citizen scientists spot closest young brown dwarf disk yet

Brown dwarfs are the middle child of astronomy, too big to be a planet yet not big enough to be a star. Like their stellar siblings, these objects form from the gravitational collapse of gas and dust. But rather than condensing ...

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