Engine technology on the road to meeting emissions standards

An engine design appearing under the hoods of many new cars and light trucks today is close to meeting the latest pollution standards that will require vehicles to emit fewer harmful particles over their lifetimes, scientists ...

Researchers switch a quantum light source in a superfast way

Scientists from the FOM Foundation, the University of Twente and at the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics in France have shown that light sources which usually emit light randomly can be coaxed to emit an ultrashort ...

Bright white rooms key to energy savings

Trials testing the effect of interior paints containing titanium dioxide on the energy required to light a room have reconfirmed the naturally occurring oxide's ability to reduce energy consumption and counteract global warming.

Altering organic molecules' interaction with light

Enhancing and manipulating the light emission of organic molecules is at heart of many important technological and scientific advances, including in the fields of organic light emitting devices, bio-imaging, bio-molecular ...

Taking the 'random' out of a random laser

(Phys.org) —Random Lasers are tiny structures emitting light irregularly into different directions. Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology have now shown that these exotic light sources can be accurately controlled.

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