European researchers driving road safety

Safety while driving is paramount, and Europeans are making efforts to ensure our well-being in vehicles - whether we are behind the steering wheel or in a passenger seat. The project partners have pushed the envelope by ...

A green ring fit for a superhero

( -- This glowing emerald nebula seen by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is reminiscent of the glowing ring wielded by the superhero Green Lantern. In the comic books, the diminutive Guardians of the Planet "Oa" ...

Space Image: Disappearing Act

( -- This swirling landscape of stars is known as the North America Nebula. In visible light, the region resembles North America, but in this new infrared view from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the continent ...

The many infrared 'personalities' of the Sculptor galaxy

( -- The Sculptor galaxy is shown in different infrared hues, in this new mosaic from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. The main picture is a composite of infrared light captured with all four ...

Spitzer Finds a Flavorful Mix of Asteroids

( -- New research from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope reveals that asteroids somewhat near Earth, termed near-Earth objects, are a mixed bunch, with a surprisingly wide array of compositions. Like a piƱata filled ...

NASA's WISE Space Telescope Jettisons Its Cover

( -- Engineers and scientists say the maneuver went off without a hitch, and everything is working properly. The mission's "first-light" images of the sky will be released to the public in about a month, after ...

Grant to Design Neutrino Detector

( -- A consortium led by UC Davis physics professor Robert Svoboda will design the world's largest neutrino detector under a $4.4 million contract recently awarded by the National Science Foundation.

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