Gene copies were crucial to evolution of our eyesight

A new study published in BMC Evolutionary Biology sheds light on the evolutionary origin of vertebrate vision and the specialisations in zebrafish to adapt to rapidly changing light conditions. The research was led by Xesús ...

Color vision helps birds find good food and the right partner

The researchers have established that chickens - just like people - have colour constancy. For birds, this means that they, in different environments and under different lighting conditions, recognise the colour of, for instance, ...

Optimizing lighting for better learning

The intensity of artificial lighting has been shown to have a range of effects on our mood and our ability to concentrate. New research explores the color of lighting and its effect on our cognitive performance. The study, ...

Did the Vikings use crystal 'sunstones' to discover America?

Ancient records tell us that the intrepid Viking seafarers who discovered Iceland, Greenland and eventually North America navigated using landmarks, birds and whales, and little else. There's little doubt that Viking sailors ...

How dung beetles navigate

Researchers got right into the brains of dung beetles to find out how they use celestial cues such as the sun, the moon and the polarisation pattern of skylight to navigate their dung balls along straight paths across the ...

Image: The lunar North Pole

The pockmarked landscape captured in this image from ESA's SMART-1 mission is the surface of our moon. Some of the many craters scattered across the lunar surface are clearly visible, records of the many impacts that have ...

How moths integrate sensory and control information

It's difficult enough to see things in the dark, but what if you also had to hover in midair while tracking a flower moving in the wind? That's the challenge the hummingbird-sized hawkmoth (Manduca sexta) must overcome while ...

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