Save energy, money with Philips AmbientLED 12.5 watt

The world's first LED replacement for a 60-watt incandescent bulb is now also the first to earn ENERGY STAR qualification. Philips Lighting announced today that the Philips AmbientLED 12.5 watt (also sold professionally under ...

The 22.8-year switch: GE's Energy Smart LED

As the common household incandescent bulb marches towards extinction (they'll be completely phased out in the U.S. by 2014), the "battle of the bulb" heats up with CFLs, LEDs, and a new long-lasting contender, the ESL bulb, ...

Experts: rare earths headed for 2011 supply crunch

Global demand for the increasingly important "rare earth" minerals that power a range of digital products could outstrip supply by next year as dominant producer China slashes exports, analysts warn.

Energy saving lamp is eco-winner

In a new study, EMPA researchers have investigated the ecobalances of various household light sources. In doing so not only did they take into account energy consumption, but also the manufacture and disposal processes. They ...

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